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Women's Health Massage /

Womb Massage

Women’s Health Massage uses a range of techniques which when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas. This unique therapy reawakens and reconnects women to their bodies, especially their womb.


Is Women’s Health Massage for me?


Women’s Health Massage could help if you suffer with any of the following conditions:


Reproductive Complaints:

  • Infertility (see separate page on Fertility Massage)

  • Miscarriage

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Painful or heavy bleeds

  • Clotting

  • Irregular cycles

  • Fibroids

  • Poor egg health

  • Cysts


Digestive Complaints:

  • Constipation

  • Bloating or excess wind

  • IBS

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Celiac Disease


Stress and Emotions

As a result of stressful periods and events in your life, your body can hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in the abdomen.  Women’s Health Massage gently eases this tension, leaving you feeling freer in mind and body.



It is often easier said than done to relax. Taking time out to be nurtured and learning how to perform massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax.


Women’s Health Massage has numerous physical benefits.  One of the most important is helping you to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within.


What is Women’s Health Massage?


Women’s Health Massage is a deep, yet gentle, non invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments.  This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed away and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones, are restored to normal order.


The massage also focuses on breaking down scar tissue and loosening hardened debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years, encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.


Why focus on reproductive, digestive and sacral areas?


The areas of our abdominal cavity are all serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue then all the others will be disrupted and can send the whole body into disarray.


80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract and so immunity, digestion and our reproductive organs are closely linked. It is important to massage and treat the whole area of the torso thus aiming to achieve homeostasis – balance within the whole of our body.


What techniques are included?



The benefits of Women’s Health Massage


Women’s Health Massage can help in the following important ways:


  • Increases circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes

  • Increases circulation to the digestive system, enhancing the immune system

  • Promotes hormonal balance

  • Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood, tissue and scar tissue

  • Helps to reposition a tilted uterus


How Women’s Health Massage can benefit your personal condition


PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

  • Encourages hormonal balance

  • Helps to clear congestion

  • Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries

  • Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system


Endometriosis and Fibroids

  • Releases endorphins which eases pain

  • Promotes hormonal balance

  • Strengthens the liver to enhance oestrogen metabolism

  • Helps to clear congestion

  • Brings fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries

  • Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system

  • Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions

  • Releases trapped nerves which eases pain


Heavy periods, painful periods and/or blood clots

  • Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus

  • Helps the body to get rid of old, stagnant blood

  • Increases endorphins which helps reduce pain

  • Aids the uterus in getting rid of blood clots

  • Helps restore the correct position of the uterus which can ease pain and lessen blood clots

  • Eases trapped nerves bringing pain relief


Irregular bleeds

  • Balances hormones

  • Eases stress which has a huge impact on cycles

  • Increased circulation increases hormone delivery


Poor egg health

  • Helps to bring fresh blood to the ovaries

  • Increases circulation and hormone delivery

  • Helps the body to release scar tissue surrounding the ovaries, easing the journey of an ovulating egg


Poor mucus production

  • Encourages hormonal balance and improves mucus production

  • Increases circulation to the cervix which promotes healing and repair

  • Increases lymphatic flow, enhancing mucus production


Blocked fallopian tubes

  • Helps to reduce inflammation

  • Breaks up scar tissue causing blockages in tubes

  • Increases circulation, which aids tissue repair

  • Helps the body to loosen tension within tissues

  • Encourages tone and strength


Digestive complaints e.g. constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease etc.

  • Encourages elimination from digestive tract, easing constipation

  • Releases trapped wind and bloating

  • Promotes bowel movements which aids in elimination of toxins

  • Tones and strengthens the intestines ​

Lower back pain

  • Eases tension, scar tissue and adhesions in sacrum and coccyx

  • Releases trapped nerves in lower spine

  • Eases pelvic imbalances to help restore correct position of uterus

  • Enhances orgasms through releasing coccyx tension

Emotional trauma

  • Eases stress

  • Eases tension from old emotional traumas

  • Aids in releasing trapped emotions

  • Helps women to reconnect with their womb and future babies




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